3 x 2,000 meters with 3:30 REST
#1) 2K — PACE: 1st 500 @ 22 (+6 over 5k pace), 2nd 500 @ 24 (+4 sec over 5k), 3rd 500 @ 26 (+2 over 5k), 4th 500 @ 28 (at 5K pace)
#2) 1st 1,000 meters @ 24 (5k PACE), 2nd 1,000 meters @ 26 (-2 sec under 5K)
#3) – Rate 22, 24, 26, 28PACE: (+4, +2, 5K pace, -2 faster than 5K pace at 28 stroke)
The only reason the split goes down is because of rate. Stay long and strong and let technique dictate the application of power. Focus on power and rest on the recovery.