Workout for Friday June 22, 2007

Today is the need for speed. This is a max effort day and should try to pull as hard as you can for the duration of the piece. Challenge yourselves with max efforts.

Warm up:
15 minutes (10 minutes at steady state, rate 24. for the last 5 minutes get a 20 @ 22 full pressure, 15 @ 26 full pressure, 15 @ 28 for 10 and then 5 at 30, power 10 at 30 stroke rate.

3′, 2′, 1 with 1′ rest in between.
(Set the clock for 8 minutes. The first 3 min are at 26 full pressure, then 1 min rest, then 2 min at 28 full pressure then 1 min rest, then 1 min at 30 rate full pressure.

rest for 5 minutes with a continuous paddle.

Stroke ladder consisting of:
10 ON, 10 OFF Max Effort for all pieces
20 ON, 20 OFF
30 ON 20 OFF
20 ON 10 OFF
10 ON 10 OFF

Cool Down

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