Wednesday March 3, 2010

10m warmup
1st – 2m (18, 5K+10), 2m (20, +8), 2m (22, +6), 2m (24, +4)
2nd – 2m (20, +8), 2m (22, +6), 2m (24, +4), 2m (26, +2)
3rd – 2m (22, +6), 2m (24, +4), 2m (26, +2), 2m (28, 5k pace)

Strong form from the beginning and focus on breathing 1 to 1 ratio. Inhale on the recovery, exhale on the drive. Float up the slide and really load up on the drive with the suspension from the legs and the ‘hang’ of the upper body.

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