Today’s Express Workout –17 ON, 5 OFF

Never fear getting in a workout if you only have :30 minutes!

It can be done and in many cases give you a better workout than if you had an hour! You’ll be in an out in no time and feeling like you did an hour of training. Try this one.

5 min warm-up.
2′ at 24, 2′ at 26, 1′ at 28 (70-85% power)

17 strokes ON (Max Power)
5 strokes paddle
x 10
28 strokes/min — first 5
30 strokes/min — 2nd 5

Cool Down

Be sure you build power on the 4th and 5th stroke of the “rest strokes”, so the first couple of strokes of the 17 are at max power. It is a VERY TOUGH workout but quick!

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