Wednesday Workout

Hard Steady State

This effort should be a bit stronger than steady state…about 30-35 off your max heart rate. This can be ideally done continuously or as 4 10 minute pieces with 1-2 minutes rest.

4 x 10′

4′ at 18, 3′ at 20, 2′ at 22, 1′ at 24
4′ at 20, 3′ at 22, 2′ at 24, 1′ at 26
4′ at 18, 3′ at 20, 2′ at 22, 1′ at 24
4′ at 20, 3′ at 22, 2′ at 24, 1′ at 26


10 strokes ON at 28 FULL POWER, 10 strokes PADDLE x 5

These higher strokes at the end of the piece help get the muscles firing a bit quicker and end the workout on an up tempo and remind the muscles to recruit power quickly at full efforts.

Cool Down

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