Today’s Workout on the Concept 2 Erg

4 x 6′ with 3′ rest

take this time to row low rate with 80% – 85% pressure (around 5K pace when at 26 rate). Nice low rate with good quality velocity.

3′ @ 20, 2′ @ 22, 1′ @ 24

3′ @ 22, 2′ @ 24, 1′ @ 26 (5K pace)

3′ @ 22, 2′ @ 24, 1′ @ 26 (5K pace)

3′ @ 24, 2′ @ 26, 1′ @ 28 (Sub 5K pace)

4 x 10 strokes at 100% at 28 stroke rate with 20 paddle strokes in between hard strokes. Good technique and slow recovery.

paddle down and stretch

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