The "Perfect Stroke." Workout for Monday June 11, 2007

I found this story in Bussiness Week (6/11) that I think you’ll find interesting and something that I hope to schedule for anyone who’s interested. I hope to get the class the opportunity to actually try rowing on the water! The link below is a story on Michael Stolper, and investment advisor in Philadelphia who bought a C2 to train on and ended up a Master’s rower on the water! Read and enjoy.

Today’s workout:

40 minutes steady state with skill and drill. We are looking for the “perfect stroke” while training our aerobic system and mental focus.

10 min @18, 20, 22, 24
10 min @20, 22, 24, 26
15 min @22, 24, 26, 28
5 min @ 10 ON, 10 OFF at 28 Full Pressure

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