Wednesday January 28, 2009

Middle distance intervals. Strength and velocity per stroke work that will build power and overall aerobic conditioning. These workouts help allow us to develop conditioning where we begin to pull better splits at a lower rate.

12 minutes: (stroke rate/ seconds over 2K pace)
3 min at 20@+19
3 min at 22@+17
3 min at 24@+15
3 min at 26@+13

(3-4 minutes rest)

8 minutes:
2 min at 20@+17
2 min at 22@+15
2 min at 24@+13
2 min at 26@+11

(2-3 minutes rest)

6 minutes:
2 min at 22@+13
2 min at 24@+11
2 min at 26@+9

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